Friday, February 10, 2012

Castenell, Dee- Perfect Blue

Taken From

The movie which was recently viewed by my class and I was Perfect Blue. It was the first psychological thriller genre of anime I have ever seen. It was quite enjoyable and delivered well. The main thing I enjoyed was the movie’s ability to twist reality and make it seem as though illusion could become reality while clearly stating at certain scenes that it is impossible. Perfect Blue focused on a pop star’s transition to the actor’s spotlight. Through this journey, she faced the overwhelming and over encompassing aspects that come with fame, the major aspect being the detainment of identity when faced with so many interferences.

Taken From
         There were quite a few influences to her eventual loss of identity throughout the film. Mimania, Rumi, Double bind, and the audiences (consisting of mainly males) were the main ones that come to mind. First off, Mimania was quite grotesque looking and a real “creeper”. He apparently stalked Mima all the time; even to the point where he knew what foot she used to step into the bathtub with.
It seemed as though all the main characters had some flaw in their psychological being. Rumi was afflicted by losing her stardom as a pop idol for being overweight, Mimania was a hardcore otaku who seemed to lack his own real identity seeing as he so desired Mima’s and lastly Mima had a weak handle on her concept of reality.
            I really enjoyed the concept of memory and how easily it can change a person. After looking a blog based on Mima created by Mimania, Mima began to simply check the blog to see what she had supposedly done for the day. Her identity was slipping away and she constantly found herself stuck in between reality and the dream world, especially because of the Double Bind show, which closely related to her actual life. Personally, the concept of reality being frayed and illusions becoming reality are all true and very possible. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a legitimate psychological term and it expresses that if a person strongly believes that they are a certain way, they eventually become that way.
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            I would recommend this movie to anyone looking to be slightly confused. Just when you think you understand it all, something pops up that makes you question what is truly a dream and what is reality.  A fun movie that reminded me of the border of reality and dreams was the futuristic movie Total Recall, an Arnold Swhartzenegger film. Overall, I very much enjoyed this movie and had to watch it two times just to confirm some concepts. The film director did a terrific job and cutting scenes or putting scenes at the right time to throw the viewer off track, very fun stuff.

Taken From [^Total Creep aka Mimania.]

1 comment:

  1. Good review! The film is definitely a real eye opener into an idol switching careers in the entertainment industry and how some people can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

    Would you also mind reading my take on the film and commenting? There are some things I am confused about and need answers too! Plus to me, it seems like a reflection of the industry!
