Friday, April 27, 2012

Castenell, Dee-Spirited Away

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The film, Spirited Away, is by far my favorite Miyazaki film. First of all, the music was amazing throughout the entire film, phenomenal job.  It does a great job portraying many underlying events and fun filled story. The main character, Chihiro is travelling to her new home when her father takes a shortcut to the house only to find an abandoned train station in the middle of a forest. Normally, an individual would not go explore the abandoned train station but of course, our characters went right for it. After many unfortunate events, Chihiro finds herself in the spirit world, alone and scared in a new environment. I really enjoyed how the overall movie played on the fact that she is moving to a place she didn’t desire and adjusting is hard. Becoming less dependent at that age is also a major theme considering she starts out spoiled and ends up sufficiently independent. Only comment I would have about the movie was that her parents just greet her at the end of the movie with a “where have you been?”. Clearly something should have been wrong if their daughter was missing for nearly five days. Anyways, the story was great, never boring considering events progressed at a decent pace. The artwork was truly magnificent. It gave a perfect sense of being in another world while also relating common aspects of the natural world to it, like a bathhouse and restaurants with common surroundings. The character models were extremely imaginative and detailed. I enjoyed how they portrayed human greed throughout the entire bathhouse, mainly Yubaba and No Face but also the denizens of the structure. The insatiable greed of the citizens and Yubaba led to the eventual downfall of their civilization (or bathhouse, however you’d like to call it). It is only when Yubaba has reached her limit and realized she had been conned with the fake gold and loss of her son that she had a change of heart. Lastly, I’d just like to mention that there are countless Japanese religious symbols throughout this film, (stones, statues, sekkai gates, bridges, etc.).  I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun, imaginative, and heartwarming story in general. 
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Castenell, Dee-Nausicaa

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The film, Nausicaa, was one of Miyazaki’s first films and at that time it came out, it did not disappoint. It was a well rounded movie covering a few important themes that are seen today in everyday life. Humans and nature coexisting is the main topic around this movie and also his more recent film, Princess Mononoke. The movie portrays the young girl as a heroine and princess (nausicaa). Judging from scenes of her past, she is the only human around who seems to communicate and understand the insects and limits of our relationship between nature. The toxic forest portrays a wide array of terrible things that the majority of humans want to destroy. They think living harmoniously with nature is impossible. The only reason the forest has become so deadly is because of the chemicals and pollutants we put into it as we harvest and destroy it. Having said that, it means that there would be an eternal battle between human and nature seeing as it becomes more deadly and we only try to fight it back which causes more toxicity for us and greater pollution for nature. Even though the main character has a deep seated love for the insects and nature, in the end she attempts to protect the humans because all in all, humans are her people, her species. It is seen that the main enemy “ohm” cannot possess the same humanistic features and are easily blinded by hatred and bloodlust. This is also seen in princess mononoke when the boars were filled with hatred from the destruction of the forest that Lady Eboshi had caused.  At that point in time, the hatred is so intense, not even the peaceful attempts are enough to sway their bewildered hearts.
Luckily there were parts of Nausicaa in which it showed a garden of non-toxic plants that were exactly the same as the ones in the forest. She showed that it was possible to co-exist and also she found out when she fell through the forest floor losing her mask. Deep down where humans haven’t polluted yet, the trees filter out the poison and leave a tranquil environment.
Anwyays, this movie was pretty good, I’m not sure if I would recommend it over other Miyazaki films but considering it was one of his first films, it is definitely worth seeing.